Rajendra Kapse
Artist"“I wanted to do away with the heaviness of intellectualism generally convey. Art is an expression which is considered to be an intellectual property. So I came up expressing myself in an intellectual way.”“funny, bindaas” artist because of the motif of the self icon with a clownish appearance that has all kinds of funny gestures. The imagery of the clown and monkey blended in his self portrait is done in a many series. It appears with multiple gestures in all my works which has now become the signature motif. However, the deeper and simple truths of life that he expresses are certainly not matter of fun. Those are serious questionings that he throws at the viewer and makes him ponder with a smile.My caricature images does mimicry on the canvas stage and creates a symphony of a parody. I live and work in Mumbai.I m born in a small town of Chandrapur district in Maharashtra, India and was named Rajendra Kapse. Yes I will have to agree that my native place keeps influencing me in many ways and have always believed that it shows in my work which further evolved; and certainly with the new ideas; when I came to Mumbai, my current home.Mumbai’s metropolitan or I would rather say cosmopolitan nature brought certain energy to my work. The diversity of cultures, religions and not to forget languages, the different strata of economies among people from all the walks of life do juxtapose and strike a balance with my rural past and a very urbane present.Have always thought of Mumbai as the proverbial ‘El Dorado’ of the creative people. The city is very blessed in its geography, the sea, the beaches, the weather, the sunset; just to name a few, they all add up to a never ending buzz and are always prone to erupt ideas in many a artists of all sorts, who have, made Mumbai their abode"