Abhishek Narayan Verma


Abhishek Narayan Verma is a visual artist based in Vadodara, Gujarat (India). Originally from Bihar (India), Abhishek completed his Bachelor of Fine Arts (BFA) in Painting from the College of Art, New Delhi in 2012 and his Master of Visual Arts (MVA) in Printmaking from the Faculty of Fine Arts, Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda (MSU) in 2015. As an award-winning artist, Abhishek received a scholarship from the Ministry of Culture in 2014 as well as the Jean-Claude Reynal Scholarship (France) in 2019. He has participated in several national and international exhibitions, including a solo show at Musée d'Aquitaine in Bordeaux, France (2019). ​ The imagery in his prints, paintings, and drawings have continuously stemmed from a constantly changing and demanding society, its politics and personal insecurities arising out of it. The artworks revolve around ideas of dysfunctionality, social conditioning, memory recall which he injects into his characters by using stark contrasts or subtleties with a pinch of absurdity. These settings reflect the mental states becoming an investigative process through a selection of “what if’s”, building the arrangements in reaction to his own image-making.

Total Artworks - 1

Genre - Fantasy | Color Play | Abstract | B/W

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Blower and his Balloons

Artwork Size: 10.5 X 10 inch (hxw)

Artwork by Abhishek Narayan Verma